Sunday, February 17, 2013

Twist and Shout

So I started to weed the garden today. An hour and a half, and I didn't even finish half of the job! I assumed it would be a lot faster to do, but each weed is stubbornly rooted to the root control fabric. Thus, my current goal is to still clear out the weeds so I can start gardening. I still have a large area highly concentrated with weeds and a plot of soil overgrown with mint to take on. Many sections are also littered with leaves.

I encountered 2 spiders, 2 roly polies, 1 giant moth, and several ants. I heard buzzing sounds twice next to my ear too. I don't mind looking at creepy crawlers on the television, but I can't stand to look at them in real life. Especially moths! Well, the roly polies and ants are alright, but the others send a shiver down my spine. I didn't realize how many critters I'd find gardening. The funny thing is, A Bug's Life is my favorite Pixar movie. And hey, "Beatles" are a type of insect too!

 "Garding requires lots of watermost of it in the form of perspiration." - Lou Erickson

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