Monday, March 4, 2013

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green

What's a garden without some flowers? The garden will look much better with a palette of colors instead of different shades of green. And a salad bar should have accompanying floral decorations, right? Ergo, I've decided that I will also grow some flowers.

The garden has three plots of land, one relatively large and two smaller. I will dedicate the largest plot of land to herbs, and the two other plots will be for vegetables and flowers. I still have to put into consideration which plants need more sunlight and which need more shade, but this is just a rudimentary plan.

Here is a list of flowers that I have in mind:
  • California Poppies
  • Cosmos
  • Marigolds
  • Goblin Blanket Flowers
  • Hyacinths
  • Becky Shasta Daisy Flowers
"Gardening is for pansies."

I have my plan down now, but I still need to get rid of all the weeds! Because of spring, they've multiplied even faster. The sector of land I had weeded earlier now has some unwanted residents again. This will be an ongoing, but conquerable, challenge.

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